Project 1- Roof Truss

4:46 AM

Project 1 involves the application of truss system and force distribution, where students are required to design a roof truss system with the consideration of construction materials and aesthetic value. 
As an introduction, students are given individual exercise on the calculation on truss system, which is shown below.

Individual task

In a group of 5, we are to select one of our design from Design Studio III module and re-design the roof of the building using truss designs. Load distribution, materials and arrangement of trusses are to be carefully tested and analysed to achieve the most efficient truss system. 
The design is presented in proper drawings and diagrams, further communicated through a physical model of the roof truss design.

Presentation board

3D model

Physical model

Through this project, we learned about the load distribution of a truss, identification of tension and compression members in a truss structure and the application of members arrangement in a truss system. It is crucial to understand the forces distributed on the structural components in order to achieve a perfect and efficient truss systems using the minimal construction materials.

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  1. Hey man I liked your Nishinoyama House case study. I'm on the same boat now, any chance you could share where you found high definition drawings? I can't seem to find good ones online. thanks!
