Project 1- A Personal Space

12:02 AM

Project 1 deals with user experience where students are required to design a personal space for a specific user. It aims to develop students' ability to meet the imperative and inter-related environmental and social needs, while further developing understanding on human scale, proportion, ergonomic and materiality. 
A site visit is carried out at Little Sisters of The Poor Francis Xavier, an elderly centre in Kuala Lumpur. Each group of 3 are to find a specific user who stays in the centre to be interviewed. A personal space is to be designed and proposed in the centre compound. My group has chosen an old man who claims to be a gardener enthusiast, idea for his personal space is derived from his hobby and needs as presented below.

Through this project, we gained a deeper knowledge and sensitivity on human environment within an architectural space. Basic user needs and contextual needs ought to be considered in parallel in order to create an appropriate design or space which suits the specific user and site well.

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