Project 1- Famous People, Familiar Faces

11:04 PM

Semester 2 started off with getting deeply into the thoughts of famous architects, on how they design, what they did that makes their buildings so significant and famous until today. It is a group project of 5 members and each group would be given a famous building. Let's check out what we've got!

Rufer House by Architect Adolf Loos

Well, very shameful to say, five of us didn't even know about this architect at first, not to mention his Rufer House. However, with the guidance of our tutor, we managed to do a well research and analysis on this building. And lastly the final outcome were the architectural set drawings, 10 analysis diagrams and 10 diagrammatic models to explain our understanding of the building.

Working scene in studio

Mock up models

Drawings and Diagrams

Final presentation boards and models

Final models

Group photo of the presentation day

It was a fun learning project working with these group members. Most importantly, I learnt that understanding those great architectural work is very crucial in our early stage in this course so that we could understand the history of architecture and apply the good design elements and principles in our future projects more confidently.

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