Project 2- Construction Detail and Specification

6:08 AM

The second project is a continuation of the first project. From what we had learned, we were to individually produce construction details solution for our own retreat house design in Design Studio II. This is to show our understanding on construction materials, procedures and technology.
The detailed construction drawings and sketches were to be compiled into a presentation board with the 3 categories:
1. Roof Structure
2. Superstructure
3. Joints and connection

My retreat house was built on a cliff for a lonely filmmaker. Below with attached is my designed house. More details in this link.

From my house design, I had selected some of the elements to be drawn including the roof, beams and columns and flooring system. The construction has to be well responded to the site context. Below is my presentation board.

Through this project, I had learnt that designing building is not just about the good design concepts and principles. Construction is one of the must have elements during the design process. The building has to be able to be built. Without a good supporting system, the design wouldn't be successful. Moreover, I had learnt more about construction detailing and I shall continue improving my knowledge in it so as to apply it into my designing architecture in my future projects.

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