Project 2A- Introduction to Site Analysis + Observation Deck @ Cape Rachado

1:05 AM

Second project is about site analysis and designing an observation deck.

Part I
First of all, there was a class trip to Cape Rachado located in Port Dickson. The whole class was divided into two big groups, each with one specific site to be visited. Our group was given the jungle trekking track while the other group was given the seaside. Sub groups were created out of our big groups to separate the analysis work to ensure the efficiency as the trip was only for 2 days. The sub groups included Site Plan group Landscape group, Existing Structure group, Activities Group etc.

Site visit

Cape Rachado Light House

The analysis was to be compiled after the visit and a presentation was done in class. Below is the presentation slide of our group.

Part II
From the big groups, we were to form pairs to work on an observation deck design on the site analysed. This project emphasized on user requirement, ergonomics and site responding to develop an architectural composition.

For my pair, we have designed an observation deck with the function of bird watching and resting, while applying the keyword 'cubism', a concept chosen from the first project.

View from our selected site


Final presentation boards and models

Final model

Zoom in image of final model

Finally, I had learnt designing architecture responding to the site condition, landscape, weather, activities and many other elements. It is crucial to understand my site before building on it so that it is suitable, last longer and it is an important step in creating a good design.

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