Building Materials

1:21 AM

Project 1- Solid vs Void- "Shaping Light and Space"
The first project is about the introduction to the basics of building materials. It is the learning of designing a form based on the characteristics and limitations of different materials.
Individually, our task given was design and build a basic shape of our choice within a limited volume of 30 cubic centimeter. The volume should be made out of 3 types of materials given on a list.
After weeks of exploration on different kinds of materials, I present the "O Layer".

Project 2- Materiality of Space- "An Experiential Exploration"
The second project is about experiencing a space and exploring on how does the building materials give impact on the atmosphere of the space and users' experience.
In a group of 5, we were to visit and investigate a building and gather information about its building materials. We have chosen Istana Budaya as our site as it is a unique cultural place where it blends both the traditional and modern architectural styles and principles in it.
Presentation boards are done to present our findings.


mood board

 presentation board 1

 presentation board 2

Individually we have to choose a specific area of the space in explore its building materials. I have chosen the exterior facade of Istana Budaya.

individual board

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