Project 3- Genius Loci- Visitor Interpretive Centre (VIC)

8:24 PM

Project 3 is a continuation from Project 2. The schematic design generated from project 2 is to be further developed into the final Visitor Interpretive Centre design. Elements need to be focused on include the consideration of user & function, flow of experience and site responsive to the context.

-Balance towards Eternity-


Coexistence of the elder and the young, two contrasting elements which play the role in maintaining their balance and harmony, for an unlimited time; towards eternity.

Journey and User Experiences

to be acknowledged, to be awaken, waiting to be answered

it is fading away, the people, the culture, along with all the memories

transition to gather, to interact, to create bond, to bring back the local spirit

for the young to inherit, for the future to shine with hope

to come together, to connect, to celebrate.

Presentation Boards

Sectional model 1:100

Through this project, I learned about generating design based on the genius loci of the site through conscious consideration of section-plan relationship of the human scale, natural lighting and materials. I had also learned about architectural visualization including producing digitaldrawings and modelling to communicate my design in the final presentation.

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