Project 2- Genius Loci: Site Analysis & Concept Development

7:49 PM

Project 2 comprises of a site analysis documentation and producing a concept design for a Visitor Interpretive Centre (VIC) based on the site analysis conclusion. It aims mainly on the architectural response toward the sense of place with a strong engagement and relationship to the site and programmatic requirements.

Part A- Site Condition & Analysis
In the same group from Project 1, we are to conduct a site analysis of the physical context within the given Macro and Micro sites. Bukit Cina located in Malacca is the site given, with 3 micro sites which we would be analysed on as a starting point for our individual concept idea for the VIC. The site analysis is documented in a video.

Part B- Personal Interpretation & Concept Development as a Response
Individually, we are to select a micro site from the 3 and produce our personal interpretation of the overal character of the site, informing subsequent design decisions. Identification of the key character and the SWOT analysis of place are used to form inspiration in the design. From the issues discovered, a Design Concept for a Visitor Interpretive Centre (VIC) is presented.

Through this project, I learned about analysing the site context and its genius loci. It is a crucial starting point for generating the design scheme of an architecture, and to ensure the workability of the design informed.

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