Synopsis Writing

1:35 AM

Subsequent to each thematic lecture, students are required to submit a synopsis in the form of a reaction paper. Its aim is for the students to read a selected reading in relation to the theme that has been discussed in class for the week and submit a reaction paper to the text. There will be a total to 3 synopses.

Week 6: Modern & Post Modern Theory
Week 8: Phenomenology: of Meaning and Places
Week 9: Critical Regionalism: Kenneth Frampton

1. To engage students with relevant theories which have shaped cities and experience around architecture, including its role as mediator between our society and its architecture.
2. To provide critical perspectives on key issues within the contemporary discourse of architecture, through integration of case-studies and theoretical studies.

Group reading is encourage for idea collaboration and better learning. Each student is to prepare and submit a reaction paper as a synopsis of the given reading during tutorial sessions.
The reaction papers shall be formulated based on questions listed below:
i) What issues or problems does the author address?
ii) What is the author's main point?
iii) What points or assumptions does the author make, and how does he/she back that up?
iv) What are strengths and weaknesses? Where are problems with the argument?
v) How do the texts relate? (if multiple texts)
vi) How do these ideas connect to the overall ideas of the class/unit/etc.?

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