E-square Project

6:24 AM

Community Service Initiative module (CSI) is a subject that continue the traditional teaching and learning method in architecture, that is learning by integrating theories with design practice. Students are required to incorporate the theory learned in school into real life environment and problems. We are to be revealed to real community and to work as a team to enhance activities in the community.

Environmental Enhancing (E2 Project)

Week 1 Introduction to CSI Module / Formation of groups

The first week was an introductory briefing on CSI module. Community Service is a form of service learning, aiming to foster a sense of care and concern among us students for the community. Involving real-life situations, we are to participate in a community service project in a group of 8, with several categories that we could select from. Among the beneficiaries which are Charitable Homes or Organization (CH), Community Center (CC), Street Community (SS) and Environment Enhancing, E square Project (E2), my group had decided on participating the E square Project as it is a collaborative project run by JCI and OCBC bank, which intends to materialize our proposal that will benefit the local community at the proposed site by OCBC Bank. We were interested in achieving their objective on serving the community while we had the opportunity to work with and seek for helpful advices from them throughout the design process.

Our group members: Yik Xin, Coco Ng, Bryan Yeoh, Max Lim, Joshua Yim, Yu Shi, Natalie Ki and myself

Week 2 CSI Workshop on 8th April / Site Visit

To have a good observation on the site which has to be in Metro Prima, Kepong, we went for a site visit right after a workshop by JCI describing the community project requirements and methodologies. The area is a residential and commercial area, with the local community staying above the shops. We found out the site is well planned with sufficient resources and eateries which provides the community a good living environment.

Based upon our deeper analysis on the site, we had chosen our spot and come up with several local issues to be tackled on. An alley which circulates two rows of shops and eateries, as shown in picture below has been selected. 

Several planter boxes with palm trees were built. We came out with a idea which transform the planter boxes into comfortable sitting areas, solving the issue of the lack of resting area around the site. Further enhancing the site, exposed sun is minimized by the design of hanging canopy along the alley, at the same time adding aesthetics into the site with the colourful canopies which bring vibrancy and casting playful shadows on our site.

The holistic awareness developed upon the variety of site issues allows us to critically analyse and approached the problems as well as to solve them scientifically. It was a great experience involving the local communities, site conditions, architectural values, environment and sustainability etc.

Week 3 CSI Workshop on 14th April by Veritas

A workshop is conducted by Veritas to give us more information and inspiration regarding the project. Our group had presented our initial ideas and helpful feedback and recommendations were received. The week is followed by case studies and further exploration in terms of user context and environmental factors to prepare for the initial proposal submission.

It was an inspiring and exciting process as the real-life factors indeed triggered our interest in taking part in this community project. It felt refreshing by serving the community needs and building a better living environment for the public.

Week 4 Submission of Initial Proposal

Our initial proposal entitled Viva-city, The Lively Lane, has been prepared, with the following objectives:
1.  To transform the alley into seating and resting area as well as providing shading device.
2.  To enhance the aesthetic value of the alley.
3.  To encourage engagement between residents and passers-by.
It was submitted to Ms Ann and Veritas for further improvement.

Week 5 Discussion to improve the initial proposal

The initial proposal was approved, with further guidance regarding the construction methods and arrangement of the seating. The week followed by discussion to improve the design by exploring the hanging canopies construction method, size of canopies and arrangement of the bamboo seating.

Despite generating the idea, I gained a deeper knowledge in applying a design into a site using appropriate dimensions and methods. The strength and lifespan of the design too has to be carefully thought of throughout the design process. Hence critical analysis, creativity and scientific solutions had to be focused on simultaneously.

Week 6 E-poster preparation

An A0 size E-poster was to be done to present our completed design proposal with scaled drawings and renderings for better visualization. Tasks were delegated among ourselves and we had come up with the final poster with all of the required contents including:
1. Site introduction and issues
2. Design proposal and drawings
3. Construction materials and methods
The process goes smoothly as everyone did good in his/her part. Discussions and good communication helped all of us to have full understanding of our progress thus we were able to work effectively with tolerance among everyone.

Week 7 Submission of E-poster

E-poster is submitted, followed by tutorial on the final design and preparation before the prototype making and testing on the site.
Ms Ann has given us final feedback on the final amendment and a guide to how we proceed to the prototype making and video filming on site. We decided to prepare the bamboo seating surrounded one of the planter box. Hanging canopies could be done if we were allowed by the local authorities.

Week 8 Site Measurement/ Prototype preparation

We were divided in two groups, with one going back to the site to carry out site measurement and my group to search for materials and prepare for our prototype making. We decided to make a prototype on the bamboo seating to be mounted upon the planter box. The hanging canopies are rather difficult for us as it is high on the building and we did not get the permission to enter the upper floors to hang them. We went for a bamboo shop named Rattan Art Enterprise in Jalan TAR to obtain the right size bamboo, with the shop worker helping out on our preparation.

I realised the importance of cost management in a project when we found out every materials we obtained and every mile we drove could cost higher that we expected. Hence it was a good learning experience as we recorded all the expenses to be equally divided in the end of the project.

Week 9 Prototype Making/ Video Filming/ Final Presentation Board

The bamboo is brought to the site for prototype testing and video filming. On the site, the prototype is well placed around the planter box. We had tried on making a layer of cardboard to be placed upon the bamboo for a more comforting seating experience, but it did not made much changes based on our testing. Throughout the Saturday morning, we approached the pedestrians to experiment on our prototype. Interviews were conducted to obtain feedback from them for further improvement on our design.  Majority of them are fond of the design as we explained our objective and proposal to them. Some worker took the seat to rest for a while before going back to work. There were also some people who were not convinced by the stability of the bamboo seating and the roughness of the seating surface. It was a point worth to be improved on to enhance user comfort.

It was proven that our proposal has successfully serve the needs of the local community, including the shoppers and workers who would need a short break after or in between their working or personal activities. Our design serves mainly as a spot of ‘rest and go’ for the community. It was greatly satisfying as our proposal and prototype had come to a positive solution for the site and the project objectives were successfully achieved. We were glad that our effort were well paid off seeing the smiles on the faces of the people there. The community are mostly very friendly as they took their time to listen and experiment on our prototype.

Week 10 Final Submission of video, presentation board and E-journal

After the video filming, we divided ourselves in sub groups for the final submission.
1. A video presentation showing our experiences on the site with the local community was done.
2. A final presentation board improved by the previous E-poster was done.
3. Individual E-journals recording our weekly activities and experiences along with our reflections was done.
Our video is as shown below, with content sequenced from the site issues, design proposal and solutions, prototype testing, surveys and interviews and the conclusion we came about.

All in all, I truly appreciate this module as it has given me an opportunity to participate in a real-life community service project. I expressed my sincere gratitude to Ms Ann and Mr Adib, our lecturers; JCI, Veritas and OCBC Bank, the project sponsors and all of my group members.

Our architectural values leaned from class has been applied; the sustainability factor with consideration on the site environment has been made. Other than those, we had the opportunity to collaborate with the local community on site by surveying and interviewing them as well as experimenting with them. I also learned to be creative, innovative and professional in handling the project together with all my group members.

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