Project 2- Center for the Elderly

12:33 AM

Project 2 is to design an elderly community centre in a suburban area with some complexity of site topography and vegetation as well as the socio-cultural events. Students are introduced to a neighbourhood site located in Taman Kanagapuram to be explored and analysed as the initial phase of this project. The site analysis is done in groups of 12, with data and information documented in a presentation board as shown below.

Site analysis

An understanding of the site gives idea to students on the design proposal of the elderly centre. The proposal is required to incorporate precedent study, site analysis, design solution that harness environmental qualities and conditions for human and environment sustainability to reduce environmental impact by utilizing clustered spatial typology and passive energy. It focuses on students' ability to meet the inter-related environmental and social needs as well as to include poetic elements into the design for better user experiences.

Interim presentation

Final presentation

Through this project, I have developed a deeper understanding in designing architectural spaces with environmental poetics and basic natural context and existing built context taken into consideration. The environmental needs, site issues, site history and cultural needs are crucial in developing the design of this elderly community centre. Awareness of environmental sustainability has to be incorporated while creating architectural ideas and solutions while considering various factors related to the users requirements and needs.

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