Project 1- Green-Go Short Environmental Film

9:49 PM

For the first and only project in Environmental Sustainable Design, we were to produce a short film about green to go in a group of 9, to showcase the change that we want to see for a better future of the world. This project aims to increase awareness of global environmental issues and to explore the global growth in relation to its impact on our environment.

For my group, we had selected a topic focusing on how we can save our paper usage in our daily lives to reduce the rate of deforestation and to minimize its negative impacts by implementing the 3R method, which are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Below is our final video produced.

What I had learnt throughout this project was recognizing the negative human effects on the environments in the process of globalization while enhancing human lifestyles. However, it is important that we, being the cause of these to be responsible on finding balance between global growth and the environment. Everyone can give a helping hand on saving our mother earth.

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