Documentation of A Medium-Sized Project

1:26 AM

This project involves the documentation of our Studio 6 Architectural Design Project, to apply the principles learned in Project 1 to our final project.
The objectives of this project include to understand the application of management techniques in the control and direction of project resources, to evaluate the dynamic changes which occur during a project’s life cycle and the nature of a project’s success and to understand the means of evaluating and managing risks that can lead to success and failure in a project’s performance.

My task is to document my Design Studio Project from the point of view of a Project Manager.
The 5 main components to be included are:

  1. Introduction of Project (clients, stakeholders, objectives and goals).
  2. Design Analysis, picking up issues of Design Suitability and Project Viability and specifically related to your design. 
  3. Project Procurement and Resource Planning 
  4. Risk Analysis, and Maintenance Strategy 
  5. Success Criteria, WBS, Gantt chart 
Following is the project management report for the project.

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