Project 1- Industrialised Building System

12:21 AM

This is a group project relates to the topics of Industrialised Building System (IBS). In a group of 6, we are to design a 3-storey apartment block using mainly IBS component. A physical model has to be constructed to imitate the actual IBS construction process with the process recorded in a video.

1. To develop students' understanding in different types of IBS construction method.
2. To apply appropriate IBS construction method in the production of a model for an apartment building.
3. To demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of IBS construction process through model making.
4. To foster good communication skills among group members through proper delegation of works and production of the video.

1. Form a group of 5 or 6.
2. Perform a study on a building preferably an apartment, which was constructed fully or partially using IBS method and identify all the IBS components used including appropriate sizes.
3. Design one or two types of apartment units which size should not exceed 100 sqm and consists of a living hall, a dining area, 3 bedrooms and 2 toilets. The design should incorporate mainly IBS components.
4. The units should be arranged as follows and made into 3 levels. However, for the model one side of the building can be cut into half to show the cross section.
5. Construct the IBS components of the model individually then join all of them together in the actual way that an IBS building is constructed. All the process including fabrication of components and sequence of construction in the production of the model should be included in the video.
6. Include drawings, diagrams and 3-dimensional model of the connection details as well as the IBS score for the building in the video.

1:30 physical model

Connection detail model

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