Project 2B - Building Documentation

9:57 PM

The final project involves the production of building documentation drawings from the Revit model created in Project 2a, using Revit’s Documentation Components such as Sheets, Titleblock, Sections, Room Tags, Schedule and Phasing.


1. Using the Revit model from Project 2a, students are required to prepare building documentation drawings in A1 size containing the following components: 
- Plans 
- Elevations 
- 2 Sections 
- 2 Callouts on sections 
- 1 Exploded isometric 
- Phasing (existing, demolished, new) 
- 1 Room Schedule showing area tabulation 
- Perspective line renderings (2 exteriors + 2 interiors) 

Work in Progress:

1. Create A1 size title block
Create a New family > choose titleblocks > A1 metric template to be editted.

Add labels and text on the template.
In Text > Choose Labels or Text> Click on anywhere on the template to add and type.
Label can be based on a parameter, which can later be altered in the Sheet in the project.
Text is fixed, used for titles such as 'Project Name' and 'Sheet Name'.

The text properties can be changed in 'Edit Type'.

For label, Choose the required Label Parameter in the 'Edit Label' window > Insert Sample Value if needed> Arrange parameter in order.

Arrange the label and text in the template properly.
Lines can be drawn using Detail> Line.

Save and load title block into project. Create new sheet to test the title block.

2. Create topography. This is created to have a better 3D and Section View later on.
Go to Site Plan view> Massing and Site > Choose Toposurface > Select Place point to draw the contour lines. Elevation height is changed accordingly when placing the points.

Go to 3D view> tick the Section Box> Move the pointers to have a look on the contour created.

3. Room Tag
On each floor plan> Go to Architecture> Room and Area> Room> Hover on the floor plan to tag the required room.
Note that the automatically created rooms are in enclosed region. Hence, for outdoor area, use Room Separater to draw the required areas.

On the tag, type in the Room Name.
Room tag can be chosed from the existing family template or by creating a new desired template.
The area of room is automatically calculated in the template and will be visible on the tag.

Label all rooms on Ground Floor.

Label all rooms on First Floor.

Room tag can be added with Colour Scheme for creating a Room Legend.
Go to Architecture> Room and Area> Click on the drop down bar> Select Colour Scheme and a window will appeared.

On Category> Select Rooms.
In Title Box> Type in the desired title.
For colour> Select Name.
Note that the colours can be changed if required. Click on colours to change.

To make the colour chheme visible, Go to Properties Tab> Select Colour Scheme> Change the settings similar to the window above.

To add a Room Legend, Go to Annotate> Select Colour Fill Legend> Click on the Plan View to place it,

4. Room Schedule. It is a set of datas created to have an easier tracking of the room details.
Go to View> Create> Schedules/Quantities.

In Category> Select Rooms> Click OK.

In Field, Select the required Field. For this project, Name, Number, Level and Area area chosen.

In Sorting/Group, Select the Grooup by order. Tick on Grand Totals so that the total area can be automatically generated.

In Formatting> Select Area> Choose calculate totals.

A room schedule generated will appear in Project Browser.

5. Phasing. There are 3 phases created. Existing, Demolished and Extension
First, Go to Ground Floor Plan (or any floor to be phased)> Duplicate with Detailing> Duplicate it 3 times and Rename each of them into 'Existing Ground Floor', 'Demolished Ground Floor' and 'Extension Ground Floor'.

Go to Manage> Phasing> Select Phases

In Project Phases, Insert and name the 3 phases required.

In Phase Filter, For Show Complete, Choose Overridden for the 3 phases.

In Graphic Overrides, Choose the desired Lines and Patterns. The colour can be changed too.
For this project, Demolished is in blue and Extension is in red.

Each of the 3 phase view has different Phasing Properties.
In the phase view, Go to Properties> Phasing> Select the appropriate Phase Filter and Phase.
Existing Ground Floor: Show All and Existing
Demolished Ground Floor: Show Complete and Demolished
Extension Ground Floor: Show Complete and New Construction

In Ground Floor view, Select the existing components> Change the Phase Created to Existing; Phase Demolished to None.

In Ground Floor view, Select the components to be Demolished> Change the Phase Created to Existing; Phase Demolished to Demolished.

In Demolished view, the components will appeared in Blue, with the Lines and Pattern set before.

In Ground Floor, Create a desired extension. Select the components to be Constructed> Change the Phase Created to New Construction; Phase Demolished to None.

In Extension view, the components will appeared in Red, with the Lines and Pattern set before.

Duplicate 3D view> Duplicate with detailing 3 times and Rename them similar to the Ground Floor Plan View. Change the setting on each view similar to the Ground Floor Plan Views created before.

Components will appear accordingly in the 3D views showing different phases.

6. Section Callout. This is to have a detailed view of the model section.
In Section created, Go to View> Select Callout> Draw the boundary required.

A section callout view is generated. Detail can be added on the view (with careful setting on Visibility Graphics)> Annotate the components accordingly.

7. Exploded Isometric.
To create an exploded iso, the components need to be displaced.
Before doing that, 3D view is duplicated with detailing> Rename it to Exploded Iso.
Select the components to be displaced(it can be selected individually or by group of components at once)> Go to View> Select Displacement Elements> Move the components as desired.

After the displacements, select on any of the displaced components> Go to Path> Click on all the displaced components to generate paths accordingly.

8. Set a perspective. Perspectives are created with camera and then adjusted on its view and settings. It can be generated either on 3D view or Floor Plan view.
For exterior, 3D view is used. Go to the 3D icon at the top of Revit window> Click on the drop down button> Select camera and create a camera path.

For interior, plan view is used. Go to the 3D icon at the top of Revit window> Click on the drop down button> Select camera and create a camera path.

Once the camera is created, the view will be automatically generate.
The view can be adjusted by
- Moving on the camera view.
- Change setting in Properties tab. Eye elevation and target elevation can be adjusted.

When moved into Sheet View, the size of perspective can be changed without cropping the view.
Select the Viewport> Go to Size Crop> Select Scale(locked proportions)> Change the width or height

All drawings are then properly arranged into the Sheets and compiled into pdf by using PDF Creator.

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