Architecture Culture and History I

7:52 AM

Precedent Study & Analysis
The project in Culture and History I is about analyzing historical architecture, including the architectural styles from different regions and era, design concepts, architectural languages etc. It is divided into three parts.

For the first part of the project, which is part A, all of us students were separated into groups of 5 and each group was to be given a historical building to be explored. My group has been given a stone built Neolithic settlement called Skara Brae in Orkney. Each of the group members were given different questions and all of our answers were to be discussed in Online Group Forum. My question was about the building materials and construction technology of the building and here is my answer.

For part B, individually we are to answer another set of questions regarding the same historical building as in part A. However, due to our lack of information sources for Skara Brae, our building chosen was changed to Santa Maria Del Fiore in Florence. Our precedent analysis was done with sketches and report.

After compiling the sketchbook analysis exercise, the information was to be transferred into presentation board, which is the last and the most fun part of the project.

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